StayWell - interaktivna platforma
Ta projekt je bil sofinanciran s podporo Evropske komisije. To projektno orodje odraža samo stališča avtorja in Komisija ne more biti odgovorna za kakršno koli uporabo informacij, ki jih vsebuje. Ne bomo posredovali nobenih osebnih podatkov, vendar moramo podatke, ki jih pošljete, zabeležiti, da bi izboljšali delovanje orodja. Če se strinjate z uporabo tega orodja, se strinjate, da ne boste reproducirali nobene vsebine brez izrecnega soglasja lastnika.
It isn't solely about a technological connection through social media, rather it refers to real communication, sharing, empathy, understanding and supporting each other, including volunteering, and giving to others.
By being physically active -something you enjoy doing, you do not only benefit from improving your physical health, but you also benefit from increasing your self-esteem, goal-setting, and achieving your goals. All of which affect your psychological wellbeing and mental health as well.
Learning continuously in life and adding new skills into your life affects your life quality positively in many aspects, such as: you get to know yourself better (intrapersonal level), connect with people (interpersonal level), your self-confidence increases, and so on.